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Tittel:Rehabilitation in Principle and Practice: Perspectives of Inmates and Officers
Ansvar:Yanique A. Anderson, Linda Gröning
Forfatter:Anderson, Yanique A. / Gröning, Linda
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
Utgitt:Bergen : Universitetet i Bergen, 2016
Omfang:S. 220-246
Serie:Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice ; 2/2016
Note:Open access.
Innhold:This article addresses rehabilitation, its conceptualisation by officers and inmates, and its expression in practice within a select Norwegian prison. It reports on findings from a qualitative interview-based research project conducted as a pilot study, whereby semi-structured interviews were conducted with inmates and officers at the prison. Furthermore, the authors examine the principle of rehabilitation as it follows from Norwegian law and assess how it is implemented in practice in a Norwegian prison. The preliminary findings from the study reveal factors—such as inmate isolation and mental health challenges, drug use, unequal treatment, and limited capacity and resources—that are impacting the effectiveness of what the prison has intended to achieve and ask for further research and discussion in this area.
Del av verk:Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 2/2016 (Vol. 4)
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