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Tittel:The New Paradigm for Nature Protection: A Model for Russia’s High North?
Ansvar:Christel Elvestad, Frode Nilssen, Ludmila Ivanova
Forfatter:Elvestad, Christel / Nilssen, Frode / Ivanova, Ludmila
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Arctic review on law and politics
Utgitt:Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2011
Omfang:S. 199-221
Serie:Arctic Review on Law and Politics ; 2/2011
Innhold:This article addresses whether the new Western paradigm for nature protection, combining conservation and local development, could serve as a model for nature protection in Russia, and for Russia’s High North in particular. The article introduces the new paradigm of protected areas and the Russian protected area (PA) system. Three different types of PAs in the Murmansk Oblast are then presented, focusing on the role protected areas can play in terms of local development. The new paradigm has been embraced in the West, but the dominant form of PA in Russia is still the strictly protected areas – zapovedniks - which do not allow any form of economic activity including nature-based tourism. The number of national parks and nature parks in Russia is slowly increasing, but to establish and develop these forms of PAs suited to promote local develop- ment is challenging. The situation in the Murmansk Oblast illustrates problems such as conflict of interest between different stakeholders, lack of support from
Del av verk:Arctic review on law and politics vol. 2 no 2 (2011)
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