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Tittel:Ten Years of Law and Politics from an Arctic Perspective
Ansvar:Øyvind Ravna and Nigel Bankes (eds.)
Forfatter:red.: Ravna, Øyvind / red.: Bankes, Nigel
Signatur:Arctic review on law and politics
Utgitt:Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2021
Omfang:348 sider
Serie:Arctic review on law and politics ; Vol. 11
Stikkord:Svalbardtraktaten (1920)
Geografiske emneord:Arktis
Note:Open access (CC)
Dette er ti års utgaven. Artiklene er også i Arctic review on law and politics Vol. 11. Jubileumsartiklene er samlet i denne boka.
Innhold:Artiklene i boka er, og disse kan søkes opp som egne artikler til link med den åpne access-versjonen:
Arctic Security Strategies and the North Atlantic States / Njord Wegge
Celebrating Ten Years of Arctic Review / Øyvind Ravna, Nigel Bankes
Dispute Resolution in Modern Treaties: Evolutions, Observations and Next Steps / David Wright
Human Rights of Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in Russia: Recent Developments / Ekaterina Zmyvalova
International Regulations and Guidelines on Transboundary Salmon Stocks: Case Study of the Tana River / Irene Vanja Dahl
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Certification of Arctic Fisheries: Processes and Outcomes / Geir Hønneland
Preface to the 10th Anniversary Issue / Lena Lauritsen Bendiksen'Reflecting on the Role of the Arctic Council vis-à-vis a Future International Legally Binding Instrument on Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction / Vito De Lucia, Philip Peter Nickels
Sámi Law: A Methodological Approach / Kristina Labba
Snow Crab in the Barents Sea: Managing a Non-native Species in Disputed Waters / Tore Henriksen
The Duty to Consult in Canada Post-Haida Nation / Nigel Bankes
The Duty to Consult the Sámi in Norwegian Law / Øyvind Ravna
The Svalbard Treaty and Norwegian Sovereignty / Øystein Jensen
The The Northern Sea Route in the 2010s: Development and Implementation of Relevant Law / Jan Solski
Uncovering Injustices in the Green Transition: Sámi Rights in the Development of Wind Energy in Sweden / Dorothee Cambou
Forlagets omtale: The editorial team of Arctic Review on Law and Politics celebrates the journal’s first decade with this special ten-year anniversary issue. In addition to a preface and introduction, the volume contains thirteen peer-reviewed essays on law and policy in the Arctic. Topics covered include the Svalbard Treaty, the snow crab controversy in the Barents Sea, the certification of Arctic fisheries, the salmon fishery on the Tana River, the ongoing BBNJ negotiations, the security strategies of key Arctic and North-Atlantic states, and a ten-year retrospective on the Northern Sea Route. There are also six contributions addressing various Indigenous rights issues in Arctic States.
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