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Administrative law and service contracts : adding colour to the gray
Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir
Kristjánsdóttir, Margrét Vala
Oslo : University of Oslo, Faculty of Law, 2019
294 sider
Doktoravhandlinger forsvart ved Det juridiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo
; 140
Offentlig sektor
Doktoravhandling, (ph.d.).
Nøkkelord: offentlige kontrakter, offentlige tjenester
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Doktoravhandlinger forsvart ved Det juridiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo
Kristjánsdóttir, Margrét Vala
Doktoravhandlinger forsvart ved Det juridiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo
Ute av syne, ute av sinn : om rettigheter til og forvaltning av grunnvann i norsk rett
Rational antitrut analysis
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Direct actions and their justification: A tentative analysis on direct actions against maritime performing parties under the Rotterdam rules
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Courts and sources : on the systemic relevance of article 38 ICJ statute for "global adjucation"
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Genetisk kartlegging som grunnlag for persontilpasset medisin : integritets- og autonomiperspektiver
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Familieformuerettens korreksjonsmekanismer : sider ved reglene om indirekte erverv av eiendomsrett, deling og vederlag i ekteskap og samboerskap blant annet vurdert i lys av menneskeretter og empiriske funn
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Corporations and human rights under general principles of law
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Government cloud procurement : contracts, data protection, and the quest for compliance
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Administrative law and service contracts : adding colour to the gray
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Kritisk kunnskap : meningsdannelse og beslutningsprosesser ved politiets operasjonssentral
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Ideology critique and the legitimacy of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights : challenging the constitutional analogy, subsidiarity and democratic transformation
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Towards a Circular Economy for Products: A legal analysis of Europe’s policy and regulatory framework from an ecological perspective
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Barnevern på strafferettens område : barnevernets ansvar for barn i konflikt med loven
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Aksjeklasser : adgangen til å regulere aksjeeiers rettigheter og forpliktelser i aksjeklasse
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Creditor priority and financial stability : a study of the emergence and rationales of the creditor hierarchy in EU and EEA bank insolvency law
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Contract interpretation in investment treaty arbitration
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Omgjøring utenfor klagesak
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Straff og velferd i fangebehandling av rusmiddelbrukere: En kvalitativ analyse av empowerment og samarbeid i norske rusmestringsenheter
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The Legible Rape Victim: How Disciplinary Discourses in the Legal System Create a New Victim Identity
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Achieving sustainability in EU business and financial market law : a systems thinking approach
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The why, the who and the wherefore : explanations, self-change and social friction in men's narratives of sexual violations
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Forsvarets bistand til politiet : en studie av de rettslige rammene for operativ bistand fra Forsvaret til politiet
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Equity as a legal concept and its role in the development of international law on climate change
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Narkotikapolitikk og skadereduksjon: Dilemmaer i politiarbeid, rusbehandling og sprøyterom
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Fra årsak til ansvar : en analyse av erstatningsrettens årsakskrav i historisk, komparativt og teoretisk perspektiv
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Countermeasures in international law : function, limits and systemic relevance
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The Power of Engagement: Assessing the Effectiveness of Cooperation between UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies and National Human Rights Institutions
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Ensidig endring av økonomiske ytelser i arbeidsavtaleforhold
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Understanding desistance and penality in Norway : discourses, practices and experiences
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Preventive use of surveillance measures for the protection of national security : a normative and comparative study of Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish law
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Policing global hubs – A study of the Norwegian airport and maritime port security environments
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Legal framework for Russian offshore petroleum activities in the Barents Arctic : a comparative study of Russian licensing, safety and environmental legislation by reference to the Norwegian petroleum and HSE regimes
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Objektivitet og empati i avhør av fornærmede - En kvalitativ undersøkelse av norske politiavhør
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Høyesterett og folkeretten
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Forced return of migrants to transit countries : a case of competing sovereigns
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Fair, orderly and sustainable financial markets? : exploring regulatory challenges arising in a complex, interconnected and evolving financial system amidts increased societal expectation
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Cooperation with the International Criminal Court and regional human rights courts : obligations of non-state parties
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Dynamisk immaterialrett
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Doktoravhandlinger forsvart ved Det juridiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo