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Tittel:Tax Compliance among Managers: Evidence from Randomized Audits
Ansvar:Thomas Lange
Forfatter:Lange, Thomas / Melsom, Anne May
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Nordic tax journal
Utgitt:Stockholm : Nordic Tax Research Council, 2024
Omfang:29 sider
Serie:Nordic Tax Journal ; 1/2024
Geografiske emneord:Norge
Note:Open access, Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY NC ND 4.0)
Utgis av Sciendo.
Earlier studies of individuals’ law-abiding behavior find significant effects of home country corruption level on compliance. In our study of manager’s tax compliance, we use data from random audits and find associations between tax compliance and the use of an external accountant, age, manager’s place of origin and employees’ conflict exposure, but no effect from a manager’s own conflict exposure, nor Corruption Perception Index scores. The use of an external accountant seems to commit managers to comply with reporting requirements. Our findings suggest that factors such as managers’ age and company characteristics are important in understanding manager compliance. To study whether other mechanisms not previously tested may provide explanatory power, we specify two machinelearning models, which confirm our findings, but also suggest other associations.

Keywords: Taxation; Tax Evasion; Accounting; Audit; Labor
Del av verk:Nordic tax journal 1/2024

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