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Tittel:State and nation : Current legal and political problems before the 1996 intergovernmental conference
Ansvar:Thomas Nordby (red.)
Forfatter:red.: Nordby, Thomas
Materialtype:Elektronisk bok
Utgitt:Oslo : Centre for European Law, University of Oslo, 1995
Omfang:83 s.
Serie:IUSEF ; 15
Note:"Result of the 8th National Conference for Norwegian Ph.D-researchers, held in Lillehammer the autumn of 1994 ... The papers presented under the heading 'State and Nation' are published in this volume" - Forordet
Redaktør iflg. forordet: Thomas Nordby

Forlagets omtale: Med de viktigste bidragene fra ovennevnte internasjonale konferanse på Lillehammer høsten 1994: "Limits to growth? On the law and politics of the European Union's jurisdictional limits", "Separating state and nation","The state on the wane: European Union, Nation-States and stateless nations" og "The application of European community law in English courts".
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