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Tittel:Exclusive distribution agreements under EEC competition law : their compatibility with Article 85 of the EEC Treaty
Ansvar:Helge Stemshaug
Forfatter:Stemshaug, Helge
Materialtype:Elektronisk bok
Utgitt:Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 1992
Omfang:120 s.
Serie:IUSEF ; 6
Emneord:EU / Konkurranserett / Kontraktsrett / Mellommannsrett
Stikkord:Romatraktaten Artikkel 85
Forlagets omtale: The book gives an introduction to EEC Competition law in general, but the emphasis is put on how substantial law of Article 85 has been applied to exclusive distribution agreements by the EEC Competition authorities. This legislation is of increasing importance, since all undertakings participating in exclusive distribution systems in the fortcoming European Economic Area, must comply with the principles discussed in this article.
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