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Tittel:Reforming the Norwegian police - cultural change as a restoration of organizational ideologies, myths and practices
Ansvar:Stig O. Johannessen
Forfatter:Johannessen, Stig O.
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Nordisk politiforskning
Utgitt:Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 2015
Omfang:S. 167-182
Serie:Nordisk politiforskning ; 2/2015
Innhold:The paper lays out the origins of the organizational culture myth and how ideas from populist movements of cultural change together with organizational control ideologies have come to be adopted as the panacea for the ills of the Norwegian Police. The paper then draws attention to how the above trends can be explored from a process theoretical perspective with a view towards organizational culture as practices emerging from patterns of communication, power, identity and moral ethics. The discussion further deconstructs changes in the mythology of official statements to demonstrate how the changes in the official values are solidifying a fantasy of sectarian unity, which at the same time threatens to collapse the functionality of the police organization. A recent example of whistleblowing demonstrates the antithesis of this development: the importance of breaking the unity in order to avoid organizational collapse and regain constructive functionality by a different understanding of leadership and moral ethics. The paper is a contribution to a broader discussion and a call for deeper knowledge of what organizational and cultural change and reform means both in the Norwegian police and other police organizations undergoing similar processes.
Del av verk:Nordisk politiforskning 2/2015
Vedlegg:- Juridika - artikkel
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