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Tittel:Konkret eller abstrakt politiarbejde? : Politistuderendes vurderinger af motivationsfaktorer i politiopgaver
Ansvar:Lars Nørr Mikkelsen
Forfatter:Mikkelsen, Lars Nørr
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Nordisk politiforskning
Utgitt:Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 2018
Omfang:S. 28-49
Serie:Nordisk politiforskning ; 1/2018
Innhold:This article analyses how Danish police students assess the attractiveness of different police assignments and how these assessments change during the education. The study is based on 10 focus groups with 50 police students, half of them recently started while the other half are within two weeks of finishing the education. Especially the recently started police students present a hedonist orientation towards assignments characterized by action and adrenaline, whereas the police students at the end of the education lean somewhat more towards immersing themselves in more complex assignments. Overall, whether a police assignment gives space for professional autonomy or discretion in the work makes a great difference for how it is valued. Although the findings, in line with most research on police culture, show several signs of the students preferring “outside” police work with a concrete output, there are also signs of a widely shared interest in the opportunity of combining abstract and concrete police work.
Del av verk:Nordisk politiforskning 1/2018
Vedlegg:- Juridika - artikkel
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