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Tittel:The police as a municipal or state agency : A comparison of police reforms in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden during the first half of the twentieth century
Ansvar:Björn Furuhagen
Forfatter:Furuhagen, Björn
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Nordisk politiforskning
Utgitt:Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 2017
Omfang:S. 121-137
Serie:Nordisk politiforskning ; 2/2017
Innhold:The aim of the essay is to describe, analyze and compare the nationalization of the municipal police service in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden during the first half of the twentieth century. Similar arguments for and against a nationalization were put forward in each Scandinavian country. At a theoretical level, the police were seen as the exclusive concern of the state. At a practical level, the many small municipal forces, with too few police constables, prevented development. Bringing the police under national control was seen as a way to develop the police. However, there were also arguments against nationalization that can explain why it took so long time to push through these reforms. The municipal police were regarded as more firmly rooted in the local community and among the general public. There was also a general fear of a nationalized police service. These views provided municipal police services with a strong symbolic meaning which was further strengthened through the connection between municipal policing and local government. The role of local government can also explain why Swedish police services were nationalized much later than in Denmark and Norway.
Del av verk:Nordisk politiforskning 2/2017
Vedlegg:- Juridika - artikkel
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