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Tittel:Nordic Environmental Law Journal = Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift 1/2010
Signatur:Nordic Environmental Law Journal
Utgitt:Charlotta Zetterberg, 2010
Omfang:104 sider
Serie:Nordic Environmental Law Journal = Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift ; 1/2010
Innhold:- Gabriel Michanek: Introduction to the Second Issue. Side 1
- Staffan Westerlund: Rätt och riktig vetenskap. Side 3
- Seita Romppanen: Reflections on Environmental Responsibility – with an Emphasis on the Nord Stream Pipeline in the Baltic Sea Area. Side 23
- Ole Kristian Fauchald: Environmental Justice in Courts – a Case Study from Norway. Side 49
- Inga Carlman: Do not Miss the Forest for all the Trees. Side 69
- Aðalheiður Jóhannsdóttir: The Convention on Biological Diversity. Supporting Ecological Sustainability or Prolonging Denial? Side 81

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