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Tittel:Nordic Environmental Law Journal = Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift 1/2014
Signatur:Nordic Environmental Law Journal
Utgitt:Charlotta Zetterberg, 2014
Omfang:133 sider
Serie:Nordic Environmental Law Journal = Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift ; 1/2014
Innhold:Special issue: Extractive Industries in the North: What About Environmental and Indigenous Peoples Law?

- Tore Henriksen, guest editor: Extracting industries in the North: What about Environmental Law and Indigenous Peoples’ Law? Side 7
- Susann Funderud Skogvang: Extractive Industries in the North – What about Environmental Law and Indiginous Peoples’ Rights? Side 13
- Mattias Åhren: International Human Rights Law Relevant to Natural Resource Extraction in Indigenous Territories – An Overview. Side 21
- Ingvild Jakobsen: Extractive Industries in Arctic: The International Legal Framework for the Protection of the Environment. Side 39
- Ole Kristian Fauchald: Regulating Environmental Impacts of Mining in Norway. Side 53
- Ruslan Garipov: Extractive Industries and Minority Peoples’ Rights in Russia. Side 67
- Michael Burger: Narratives in Conflicts: Alaska Natives and Offshore Drilling in the Arctic. Side 77
- Maria Kristina Labba: Mineral Activities on Sámi Reindeer Grazing Land in Sweden. Side 93
- Rutherford Hubbard: Mining in Greenland and Free, Prior and Informed Consent: a Role for Corporations? Side 99
- Timo Koivurova and Anna Petrétei: Enacting a New Mining Act in Finland – How were Sami Rights and Interests Taken into Account? Side 119

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