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Tittel:Nordic Environmental Law Journal = Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift 2/2010
Signatur:Nordic Environmental Law Journal
Utgitt:Charlotta Zetterberg, 2010
Omfang:104 sider
Serie:Nordic Environmental Law Journal = Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift ; 2/2010
Innhold:Special issue: Climate Change and Intellectual Property Rights: Legal Frameworks and Institutions for the Development and Transfer of Environmental Sound Technologies

- Tine Sommer, Sanford E. Gaines & Birgitte Egelund Olsen: Guest editorial note. Side 105 editorial note
- Han Somsen & Morag Goodwin: Regulating for Climate Change in Developing Countries: Appropriate Regulatory Strategies in the Context of Technology Transfer. Side 111
- Ilona Cheyne: Intellectual Property and Climate Change from a Trade Perspective. Side 121
- Marianne Levin: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – Another Untested Hurdle in Copenhagen. Side 131
- Mohammad Monirul Azam: Climate Change and Intellectual property after COP 15: In Search of a Workable Framework for the Transfer of ESTs. Side 145
- Tine Sommer: Designing Substantive Patent Law: From Life Sciences to Climate Change? Side 161
- Catherine Rhodes: Opportunities and Constraints for Cooperation between International Organisations. Side 175
- Ellen Margrethe Basse & Sanford E. Gaines: ‘Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities’ as Part of the post‐2012 Climate regime. Side 189
- Fernando do Rego Barros Filho: Global concerns and renewable energy policies: The Use of Regional Vegetal Resources to Create Growth Zones in Developing Countries. Side 205
- Conference Speakers. Side 213

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