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Tittel:Nordic Environmental Law Journal = Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift 2/2011
Signatur:Nordic Environmental Law Journal
Utgitt:Charlotta Zetterberg, 2011
Omfang:110 sider
Serie:Nordic Environmental Law Journal = Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift ; 2/2011
Innhold:- Gabriel Michanek: Introduction. Side 1
- William Henry Clune: A Comparative Law Analysis of the Use of State‐Level Green Procurement in the European Union and the United States. Side 3
- Maria Pettersson: Path Dependence in the Legal System – Implications for the Development of Wind Power. Side 35
- Katelijn Van Hende: Internal and External Policy and Legal Challenges in the EU in Achieving a Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Internal Energy Market and the Integration of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources into the Energy system. Side 53
- Sebastian Houe: Regulering af CO2 med afgifter og kvoter – en dobbeltregulering? Side 87

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