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Tittel:Nordic Environmental Law Journal = Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift 1/2015
Signatur:Nordic Environmental Law Journal
Utgitt:Charlotta Zetterberg, 2015
Omfang:69 sider
Serie:Nordic Environmental Law Journal = Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift ; 1/2015
Innhold:- Gabriel Michanek: Introduction. Side 5
- Jan Darpö and Yaffa Epstein: Thrown to the Wolves – Sweden Once Again Flouts EU Standards on Species Protection and Access to Justice. Side 7
- Carl Dalhammar: The Setting of Progressive Energy Efficiency Performance Standards for Products through the Ecodesign Directive. Side 21
- Julie Gjørtz Howden: Aspects of Sovereignty and the Evolving Regimes of Transboundary Water Management. Side 43
- Alexander Lott: Pollution of the Marine Environment by Dumping: Legal Framework Applicable to Dumped Chemical Weapons and Nuclear Waste in the Arctic Ocean. Side 57

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