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Tittel:Law-abiding criminals: Young adults’ drift into and out of recreational drug sales
Ansvar:Thomas Friis Søgaard og Marie Højlund Bræmer
Forfatter:Søgaard, Thomas Friis / Bræmer, Marie Højlund
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing
Utgitt:Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 2023
Omfang:S. 1-17
Serie:Nordic Journal of Criminology ; 1/2023
Emneord:Narkotika / Rusmidler / Vitenskapelig publikasjon
Geografiske emneord:Danmark
Note:Open access. Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0)
Traditionally, research on illegal drug supply has mainly focused on marginalised urban populations, whose lives and dealing practices are shaped by social exclusion, poverty, ethnic inequalities and cultures of violence. This article contributes to the small but growing body of research that focuses on drug sales among society’s more privileged groups by individuals who, aside from using and supplying illegal drugs, live largely law-abiding lives. Based on 32 interviews from Denmark, the article analyses socio-economically mainstream young adults’ gradual drift into and out of profit-generating drug sales. We use the findings to argue that much bottom-level drug supply can be conceptualised as ‘recreational drug sales’ – that is, best understood not as a social aberration, but rather as an interwoven aspect of mainstream society, insofar as it is sporadic, experimental and leisure-based in nature, and often does not challenge sellers’ involvement in the labour market/educational system or their identities as ‘respectable’ citizens.
Keywords: Drug markets, Dealing careers, Social supply, Drift, Drug dealing, Denmark
Del av verk:Nordic Journal of Criminology 1/2023

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