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Tittel:A study on balancing and redispatching strategies : a report commissioned by NVE
Ansvar:forfatter: Thema Consulting Group
Forfatter:red.: Tveten, Åsa Grytli
Materialtype:NVEs utgivelser
Utgitt:Oslo : NVE, 2019
Omfang:71 s. - ill. (noen kol.)
Serie:NVE Ekstern rapport ; 2019:59
Emneord:Kraftbalanse / Kraftforsyning / Krafthandel / Kraftmarkedet
Geografiske emneord:Europa
Note:Forfattere: Berit Tennbakk, Guro Persen, Theodor Borsche og Berit Czock
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Innhold:Sammendrag: This study is divided into three parts: The first part gives a qualitative
overview of the approaches to balancing and redispatching in seven selected countries. Based on this mapping, four dimensions of strategies are identified and assessed in the second part. The third part gives a qualitative discussion and consideration of the feasibility and efficiency of the different strategies in a Nordic context. The report concludes that all balancing and redispatch strategies identified are feasible in the Nordic system, but that the strategy that we have today is likely to be the most efficient