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Tittel:Citizensʼ Views on the Importance of Different Areas of Police Work : A Best–Worst Scaling Approach
Ansvar:Tobias Fläder og Caroline Mellgren
Forfatter:Fläder, Tobias / Mellgren, Caroline
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing
Utgitt:Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 2024
Omfang:S. 1-19
Serie:Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing ; 1/2024
Emneord:Politi / Politiarbeid / Vitenskapelig publikasjon
Note:Open access. Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0)
This study investigates public perceptions regarding the prioritization of different areas of police work in Sweden amid growing concerns over crime and public safety. Utilizing a best–worst scaling (BWS) approach, the research aims to discern which police activities citizens deem most and least important, thereby shedding light on public expectations for police resource allocation. The findings reveal a strong public emphasis on the importance of responding to emergency calls and addressing gang criminality. Conversely, administrative tasks and traffic safety are viewed as lower priorities. The article offers insights into the alignment (or misalignment) between public expectations and police practices, emphasizing the role of public opinion in shaping police strategies and the importance of balancing crime fighting with social service functions to maintain public trust and legitimacy in law enforcement.

Keywords: Police, priorities, resource allocation ,policing
Del av verk:Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing 1/2024

Vedlegg:- Juridika
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