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Tittel:Reglering som policyfråga: En diskussion om regleringens effekter vid ekonomisk brottslighet
Ansvar:Tage Alalehto
Forfatter:Alalehto, Tage
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab
Utgitt:København : De nordiske kriminalistforeninger, 2013
Omfang:S. 316-335
Serie:Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab ; 3/2012
This essay discusses the regulation of white-collar crime. It reviews the develop­ment of white-collar crime regulation from various angles considering: 1) the ex­tent and structure of white-collar crime, and 2) the ways in which these characte­ristics affect the ability of regulation to restrain white-collar offending on institu­tional, organisational and individual levels. The conclusion is that regulationmust be multifaceted if it is going to be able to address white-collar crime’s manyforms. Patterns of white-collar crime are just as heterogeneous as those of streetcrime. While tax crime is very frequent and demands a specific regulatory re­sponse, bribery is less frequent and requires a completely different response. Likestreet crime, white-collar crime is committed by both occasional and »chronic«offenders. Effective regulation must be able to deal with crimes committed byboth types of offenders.
Del av verk:Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab 3/2012

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