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Tittel:Eventbetjentuddannelsen - en forskningsbaseret uddannelse i dialogbaseret håndtering af masseforsamlinger
Ansvar:Jonas Havelund, Kristian Rasmussen, Lise Joern
Forfatter:Havelund, Jonas / Rasmussen, Kristian / Joern, Lise
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab
Utgitt:København : De nordiske kriminalistforeninger, 2013
Omfang:S. 185-200
Serie:Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab ; 2/2012
This paper describes a specially designed, research-based training programme focused on the policing of mass events. The »Event police training programme «is based on recent research on crowd psychology, i.e., understanding crowd processes, dynamics and the role of other stakeholders’ interactions with the masses. Research has found that a misinterpretation of the crowd has often been a contributory cause of riots in connection with mass gatherings, as the tendency has been to adopt a tactic based on an undifferentiated and simplistic view of the crowd. The Event police training programme aims to provide a differentiated understanding o f mass groups and encourage the police to reflect on their own behavioural role in the management of these gatherings. This paper describes thebackground and structure of the Event police training programme.
Del av verk:Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab 2/2012

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