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Tittel:Curbing cultural appropriation in the fashion industry with intellectual property
Ansvar:By Brigitte Vézina
Forfatter:Vézina, Brigitte
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:WIPO Magazine
Utgitt:Geneva : WIPO, 2019
Omfang:S. 9-14
ISBN/ISSN: 1564-7854
Serie:WIPO Magazine ; 4/2019
Innhold:In the face of public uproar following countless accusations of cultural appropriation, the fashion industry is due to undergo a profound transformation. The world over, calls are being made for fashion designers to be mindful when borrowing from other cultures and to offer products that are respectful of their traditions. While the term “cultural appropriation” is shrouded in uncertainty, there is undoubtedly a role for intellectual property (IP) in curbing this harmful practice.
“Cultural appropriation” is a murky concept. It can be described as the act by a member of a relatively dominant culture of taking a traditional cultural expression and repurposing it in a different context, without authorization, acknowledgement and/or compensation, in a way that causes harm to the traditional cultural expression holder(s).
(Artikkelens innledning)
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