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Tittel:New European Directive adds impetus to international efforts to promote accessibility
Ansvar:Catherine Saez
Forfatter:Saez, Catherine
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:WIPO Magazine
Utgitt:Geneva : WIPO, 2020
Omfang:S. 43-46
ISBN/ISSN: 1564-7854
Serie:WIPO Magazine ; 2/2020
Stikkord:Direktiv (EU) 2019/882 - om tilgængelighedskrav for produkter og tjenester / European Accessibility Act
Innhold:The Accessible Books Consortium (ABC) is a public-private partnership led by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It includes organizations that represent people with print disabilities such as the World Blind Union (WBU); libraries for the blind; standards bodies; and organizations representing authors, publishers and collective management organizations.

The goal of the ABC is to increase the number of books worldwide in accessible formats - such as braille, audio, e-text, large print – and to make them available to
people who are blind, have low vision or are otherwise print disabled.

In particular the ABC promotes the production of "born accessible" publications that are fully accessible to all readers, the overall aim being to make the same product usable by everyone. The aims of ABC are very much in line with the 2019 European Union (EU) Directive, also known as the European Accessibility
Act. Inmaculada Placencia Porrero, Senior Expert on Disability and Inclusion in the European Commission’s Department for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, discusses the main aims of the Directive from the perspective of inclusive publishing for persons with disabilities, including for visually impaired and blind people.
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