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Tittel:Åpenhet om eierskap i norske foretak : – arbeidet med elektronisk aksjeeierbok
Ansvar:Marit Wenda Kjørsvik
Forfatter:Kjørsvik, Marit Wenda
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Nordisk tidsskrift for Selskabsret
Utgitt:København : DJØF Forlag, 2019
Omfang:S. 27-40
Serie:Nordisk tidsskrift for Selskabsret ; 4/2019
Stikkord:Aksjeloven (1997) § 4-5
Innhold:In 2014, Norwegian authorities stated the need for more transparent and effective list of shareholders in Norwegian companies according to the Norwegian Companies Act § 4-5. Research for adequate solutions started, but no final solution has been decided. The process seems to have been delayed due to the implementation of the fourth EU Anti-money Laundering Directive. The article analyses the question whether the implementation of the Directive by a new law of Register of corporate ownership and beneficial ownership gives satisfaction to the aim of establishment of a more transparent and effective list of shareholders.
Del av verk:Nordisk tidsskrift for Selskabsret 4/2019

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