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Tittel:Brevstemmers bindende virkning i lyset af den selskabsretlige lighedsgrundsætning
Ansvar:Tobias Bonde Frost og Joachim Buznicki Nørlem
Forfatter:Frost, Tobias Bonde / Nørlem, Joachim Buznicki
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Nordisk tidsskrift for Selskabsret
Utgitt:København : DJØF Forlag, 2019
Omfang:S. 64-72
Serie:Nordisk tidsskrift for Selskabsret ; 4/2019
Innhold:In NTS-2017.2-3.1, the authors challenged the administrative practice of the Danish Business Authority in their interpretation of Section 104 (2) of the Danish Companies Act by concluding that a postal vote can indeed be withdrawn by the casting shareholder under the same circumstances as regards a voting proxy (i.e. subject to the rules which follows from the Danish Contracts Act), and that a company accordingly cannot lay down rules, which makes it impossible for a shareholder to withdraw a postal vote, if the assumptions under which the postal vote was cast have substantially changed after the company received the postal vote. Building on the conclusions from NTS-2017.2-3.1, this article contains an analysis of how a company can allow withdrawal of postal votes without violating the Danish doctrine of equal treatment of shareholders. We conclude that a company, when deciding whether to allow a withdrawal of a postal vote, should consider the significance of the resolution for the shareholder and that in doing so should pay special attention to whether the shareholders wishing to withdraw their postal vote are in the same situation and whether material events have occurred after the casting of the postal vote which has changed the assumptions under which the postal vote was cast. Finally, we conclude that the company’s ability to deny the withdrawal of a postal vote is more restricted if the resolution concerns the economic rights of the shareholder than the administrative rights.
Del av verk:Nordisk tidsskrift for Selskabsret 4/2019

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