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Tittel:Deteksjon av hogstflater med tidsseriedata fra Sentinel-2 : Clear-cut Detection and Mapping Using Sentinel-2 Times Series
Ansvar:Arnt Kristian Gjertsen
Forfatter:Gjertsen, Arnt Kristian
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Kart og plan
Utgitt:Bergen : Universitetsforlaget, 2021
Omfang:S. 22-36
Serie:Kart og plan ; 1-2/2020
The national forest authority monitors forest regeneration on clear-cut areas annually and needs a more objective and unbiased sample. This can be solved with satellite images, and a method to detect new clear-cuts with time series of Sentinel-2 satellite images has been developed and tested. The 25 % percentile of the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) index, based on near-infrared and short wave infrared bands, is calculated and the differential (dNBR) between two years is used to detect new forest clearings. The method has been tested against a management plan with new clear-cuts in 2017. A total of 162 points, 81 in clear-cut and 81 in other stands, was used to test the accuracy. Based on the confusion matrix, the F1 score was 0.97 and the more balanced Matthews correlation coefficient 0.95.

Nøkkelord: Hogstdeteksjon, Sentinel-2, NBR, tidsserieanalyse

Den nasjonale skogforvaltningen i Norge overvåker om foryngelsesplikten overholdes (Lovdata 2005), dvs. om skogeierne sørger for at en ny generasjon trær etableres etter slutthogst.
Del av verk:Kart og plan 1-2/2021

Vedlegg:- Juridika
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