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Tittel:Findings of Environmental Inequality by Settlement Type: The Association Between Educational Level and Exposure to Ambient air Pollution Among Residents in Oslo and Akershus County
Ansvar:Maren Ormsettrø, Bente Oftedal, Norun Hjertager Krog og Emma Charlott Andersson Nordbø
Forfatter:Ormsettrø, Maren / Oftedal, Bente / Krog, Norun Hjertager
Materialtype:Artikkel - elektronisk
Signatur:Kart og plan
Utgitt:Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 2024
Omfang:S. 122–138
Serie:Kart og plan ; 1/2024
Emneord:Forurensning / Vitenskapelig publikasjon
Geografiske emneord:Akershus / Oslo
Ambient outdoor air pollution is a public health concern as it remains the largest environmental risk to health. European research shows that residents with lower socioeconomic status tend to be exposed to elevated air pollution concentrations. Yet, we know less about the distribution of air pollution according to socioeconomic factors in Norway. This study examined the association between educational level and exposure to air pollution, and whether this association differed between urban, suburban, subrural and rural settlements, among residents living in Oslo and Akershus county. We obtained data on exposure to fine particular matter and nitrogen dioxide at the residential addresses and educational level for 452 770 citizens in the registry-based national cohort NORCOHORT from the ELAPSE project. The association between educational level and exposure to air pollution differed by settlement type. Results revealed that citizens with low education residing in urban areas were at increased risk of being exposed to ambient air pollution compared to those with higher education, while the opposite pattern was found in suburban, subrural and rural areas.

Keywords: air pollution, socioeconomic position, educational level, urban areas, settlement type
Del av verk:Kart og plan 1/2024

Vedlegg:- Juridika
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