NGI Publikasjoner
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Tittel:NGI Publication # 035
Forfatter:Norges Geotekniske Institutt
Signatur:Tidsskrift / NGI Publication # 035
Utgitt:Oslo : Norges geotekniske institutt, 1960
Serie:NGI Publikasjon ; 35

Innhold:Norwegian Triaxial Equipment and Technique / A. Andresen and N. E. Simons.

Comparison of Shear Strength Characteristics of Normally Consolidated Clays / L. Bjerrum and N. E. Simons

Comprehensive Investigations of the Shear Strength of an Undisturbed Drammen Clay / N. E. Simons

The Effect of Overconsolidation on the Shear Strength Characteristics of an Undisturbed Oslo Clay / N. E. Simons.