NGI Publikasjoner
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Tittel:NGI Publication # 187
Forfatter:Norges Geotekniske Institutt
Signatur:Tidsskrift / NGI Publication # 187
Utgitt:Oslo : Norges geotekniske institutt, 1992
Serie:NGI Publikasjon ; 187
Innhold:In situ bioremediation of oil pollution in the unsaturated zone / Breedveld etal.

In situ evaluation of the corrosivity in soils and sediments by the use of an electrochemical probe / Bryhn, O.

Where has all the judgement come from ? /DiBiagio, E. and Høeg, K.

Field instrumentation and performance observations to reduce costs and increase reliability / DiBiagio, E.

The performance of instruments and the success of monitoring programs in the offshore environment / DiBiagio, E.