NGI Publikasjoner
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Tittel:NGI Publication # 177
Forfatter:Norges Geotekniske Institutt
Signatur:Tidsskrift / NGI Publication # 177
Utgitt:Oslo : Norges geotekniske institutt, 1989
Serie:NGI Publikasjon ; 177
Innhold:Crosshole Seismics Including Geotomography for Investigation of Foundations / T.L. By

Calibration of Dilatometer Correlations / S. Lacasse and T. Lunne

Direct Correlations between Piezocone Test Results and Undrained Shear Strength of Clay / N.S. Rad and T. Lunne

Rotary-Pressure Sounding: 20 Years of Experience / N.O. Rygg and A.Aa. Andresen