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Tittel:The Norwegian-Swedish electricity certificate market : annual report 2013
Ansvar:project managers: Johan Lunberg og Anton Jayanand Eliston
Forfatter:medarb.: Eliston, Anton Jayanand / medarb.: Lundberg, Johan
Materialtype:NVEs utgivelser
Utgitt:Oslo : NVE, 2014
Omfang:41 s. - ill. (noen kol.)
Klassenummer:620.9:339.13.027"2013"(481+485) / 351.824:620.9"2013"(481+485)
Serie:NVE Diverse ; 2014
Emneord:Elsertifikater / Fornybare energikilder / Internasjonalt samarbeid / Kraftmarkeder / Kraftomsetning
Geografiske emneord:Norge / Sverige
Note:Katalogisert delvis etter omslag
Engelsk utgave av NVE Rapport 2014:50
Innhold:Sammendrag: This is the 2013 annual report from the Swedish Energy Agency and the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) on the joint Norwegian-Swedish electricity certificate market. Our intention in this report is to give a picture of the most important events and key figures for the electricity
certificate market last year. As well as information about progress towards the common goal, this report also includes a summary of the approved production in the Swedish electricity certificate system up to the end of 2011 and approved plants
in the Norwegian transition system
Eksemplar:2. (2 tilgjengelige)
